About | East Tennessee Kidney Foundation, Inc.™


About the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation, Inc.™

Our Mission

East Tennessee Kidney Foundation (ETKF) is dedicated to connecting individual East Tennesseans with early detection of kidney disease, education and access to life sustaining care.

ETKF is 100% LOCAL & Independent! We are NOT affiliated with the National Kidney Foundation (NKF).

At the ETKF, all money we raise ALWAYS stays right here at home and helps local INDIVIDUALS suffering from kidney disease. Our largest fundraiser is the KNOX SHAMROCK FEST, a 2-day family friendly St. Patrick’s Day celebration! This includes our annual LUCKY KIDNEY Run (6k, and 2k Walk option), in Market Square, downtown Knoxville. The event is held each March to coincide with Kidney Disease Awareness Month, in Market Square, downtown Knoxville. Knox Shamrock Fest™ has grown into a regional weekend destination event for the whole family. Click here for more information about Knox Shamrock Fest and the Lucky Kidney Run.

One of the missions of the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation, Inc.™ (ETKF) is to improve the lives of East Tennesseans suffering from kidney disease. Our primary goal is patient services, specifically helping patients get to and from dialysis, (which is necessary for their survival), providing up to $2,000 per patient dental work needed in order to be placed on the kidney transplant waiting list, and providing FREE nutritional supplements (protein bars, etc.) to patients in area dialysis clinics. We also work with Tennessee Donor Services / Donate Life Tennessee to promote the donation of all organs for transplantation. Kidneys are unique in that you only need one; this allows many healthy individuals to be living donors. Visit the Donate Life Tennessee website to become a registered organ donor.

The ETKF serves 1,500+ local East Tennesseans each year. We operate solely on grants, donations (monetary and in-kind), fundraisers and the care and support of our amazing community. Without you, our organization would not be possible.

We at ETKF, in addition to all patients suffering from kidney disease whom we serve, appreciate you and your support!


Your support DIRECTLY funds individual patients and will ALWAYS stay in East Tennessee. Help us provide patient services and support to East Tennesseans affected by kidney disease. Your donations will also help us provide information and education on the prevention of kidney disease.

Contributions can be made online or via mail to this address:

ETKF, P.O.Box 22072, Knoxville, TN 37933
865.288.7351 (office)

Thank You!
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